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As a writer, I will be blogging about many things that interest me. My posts will be about what I am writing and other things I'm doing. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2008 We Hardly Knew Ye

2008 is gone and 2009 is well into our schedules. Truly I haven't written 2008 on a check yet when I should have written 2009. Whohoo - I'm doin' good.

I hate it when news broadcasts, magazines or newspapers look back on the old year. Nor am I fond of Christmas letters that recap the previous year. But as I think of 2008 a few blessings come to mind. 1. I have a new grandson born in May. After a few problems in the beginning he is doing great now. He is trying to crawl and has a cute little gummy grin that wins your heart. He is in addition to 5 other grandchildren I won't mention here - sorry guys.

2. I visited my brother in Idaho. We have not been particularly close in past years. We are as different as daylight and dark so don't always see eye to eye. But I enjoyed the visit and I think we are closer now than in a long time.

3. I enjoyed a short trip with my friend Carolyn in October. Found a bit of material for a story hopefully.

4. My son arrived home from Iraq safely and is now home with his family. We couldn't be happier.

5. I had an assignment published by LifeWay Resources this year again as I have for several years. A few contest entries and a short article accepted by Good Old Days magazine make a fair showing in the writing department. Still working on that novel though.

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