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As a writer, I will be blogging about many things that interest me. My posts will be about what I am writing and other things I'm doing. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Notes and Piles

Is there anyone as disorganized as I? Well, I'm really organized, but no one knows it - not even me.

Does anyone leave notes to themselves all over the house? Notes on my desk. Notes on my kitchen table. Notes on the calendar. Notes on the other desk. Notes in my car. If I wrote the subject of all those notes here, the list would be endless.

And piles of paper. Does it never end? I thought computers were supposed to help the paper problem. I have a pile of paper for the computer. A pile of used computer paper to recycle. A basket full of papers and notes about my Jeremiah Bible Lessons. A pile of papers about writing. A pile of papers about geneology. A box of manuscript of the suspense novel I'm working on. Another box of manscript about another novel. Well, there are about three of those.

Don't tell me to file 'em. The file cabinet is full of more papers. I don't know if I want to publish this or not. If I do you all will know how disorganized I am.


Shirley said...

Oh that's funny! Do you ever sit down and try to organize the unorganized mess? I do. Then I put all the notes in one big pile and think I'll go through them eventually. Then I just start another mess over the next few weeks. It's never ending. It would take too long to organize. But don't tell Beverly!

Janet Kay Gallagher said...

My son was here recently and was helping me get organized. He looked up from a large storage box of papers and asked, "Do you realize you have unread mail in here from 1988 ?"
I do keep trying, though. Maybe if nothing came into the house again I would accomplish it.

Beth said...

So glad I'm not alone. Right now, I have ten piles on two different desks (yes, I need two desks to hold my piles, of course).

Like you, my file cabinets are bulging from the bi-annual days when I get motivated to file). I have always hated filing.

I, too, have post-it notes everywhere. I'm definitely a list person. Maybe most writers are this way. Trouble is we have to dig through the piles to find that great novel idea we had. Now where is that note?

P.S. And...my sister thinks I'm incredibly organized. ha!