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As a writer, I will be blogging about many things that interest me. My posts will be about what I am writing and other things I'm doing. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

First DBook Ever

History was made right here in Springfield when George Joslin wrote the first DBook. That's right not Ebook but Dbook. It is a book for Deaf, signed in ASL (American Sign Language) and spoken in English for those who hear.

Joslin is an ordained ministery who has many years experience working with the Deaf. He wrote the story about the deaf man in the Bible, how he might have reacted to seeing Jesus, what he and his deaf friends might have thought about the man who walked about the country side healing and talking to people.

One day the kind man healed the deaf man. After that the deaf man, Benjamin, witnessed for Jesus. This is a story deaf and hearing both can understand and enjoy. I believe it is truly God inspired. It is the first of it's kind and I hope Joslin writes many more.

Read about in today's News Leader at this URL.

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Palooski65 said...


I missed the NewsLeader article you mentioned since I was at the KGBX Women's Show all day. I'll make a point of doing that before I go to bed, though.

A lot of good things are going on in the deaf community--great strides in communication and interaction. How wonderful that you write for them and help them find the truths of God's Word.

Enjoy your blog--it's always so uplifitng.

Shirley said...

I've always been amazed at how the deaf communicate. Sign language is something I've always wanted to learn. Just never found the time.

Great post, Pat. I think I still have the Saturday paper. I'll check for the article.