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As a writer, I will be blogging about many things that interest me. My posts will be about what I am writing and other things I'm doing. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Niagara Falls

I could have titled this “I left my heating pad in New Hampshire” (Oh those long miles of sitting makes for a cricky dismount) or I was drunk at the Skylon Tower. Only one of those things would be fiction. Actually I felt drunk at the Skylon Tower. Kim and I were bright and bushy tailed when we met the bus that would take us to tour Fall Foliage in New England. Well, that’s not quick right. We stumbled and struggled out of bed in time to meet the bus at 5:30 a.m. Believe me that is not the hour I want to meet a lot of strangers. And strangers they were, 34 people we had never met before. Standing right in front of the bus door was Chuck. He asked, “Did you bring breakfast?” I replied, “I thought you were bringing breakfast.” And we made our first friend Chuck and Linda Philipian from Nixa, MO. We learned later that Chuck had cancer and this trip was between chemo treatments and he was paying a last visit to places from his early days. They were interesting people. He had been a science teacher and she is an artist still working at MSU. A stop at Rolla for breakfast,(don’t drink too much coffee; you will need a bathroom and who wants to parade down the aisle to the back of the bus to relieve yourself.) I actually heard a story from one tour guide about a lady who fell out of the toilet when the bus rounded a corner. I didn’t want to be that lady, so I went easy on the coffee. Fourteen states in nine days – this was going to be a loooong bus ride. The first day we hurried to arrive at the Drury Inn Dayton, Ohio in time for their snacks, hoping that would suffice as dinner. Suffice it did. There was plenty to junk food. I snagged a baked potato, covered it in spicy chili, nachos entered the picture also. Soft drinks were free and we were given a voucher for three alcoholic drinks. I didn’t use my voucher but the cold Sprite hit the spot to make up for the coffee I didn’t drink in the a.m. The next morning we discovered Drury Inn has a great breakfast buffet. So far we hadn’t seen any colorful trees but we kept looking. Another early start and we were on the bus Niagara Fall, Ontario Canada. Lake Erie was a glimpse out of the left side of the bus. It was Sunday so our tour guide played some gospel music. One of our group threw a fit about the music. She didn’t want to hear it, it was too loud, it hurt her ears, etc. etc. She was very vocal in her distaste for the music. She kept asking everyone if we thought it was too loud. She finally poked Kleenex in her ears. Kim and I christened “The Crazy Cat Lady” because she said she had six cats at home. Later in the day, we changed her name to Ms Blue Flowers, because she went to sleep for a time and after waking up asked everyone if we had seen the pretty blue flowers along the side of the road. We named four women traveling together the Chatty Chicks. They insisted on riding in the back of the bus and were very loud. At first they were flirty but as the week went on they calmed down. Niagara Falls is spectacular. Words cannot describe the power of the water falling over to the rocks below. We had to show our passports to get into Canada and hoped the agent wouldn’t insist on searching the bus because we were anxious to get to our room and out again to view the magnificent river and the American and Canadian falls. We were scheduled to have dinner at the Skylon Tower Restaurant, 775 feet above the falls. I had been fighting a headache all day and really wanted to attend this formal dinner high about the Canadian Falls. The Restaurant rotates so that the diners continually see a different part of the city. Soooo I decided to take a strong pain pill to get me through the evening. Diners are taken up to the tower in an elevator car that travels outside the walls of the tower. Whew! Dizzy is not the word I was feeling. Kim grabbed my arm and I walked unsteadily to the table indicated. It was lovely. White table cloths, with napkins standing at attention, all kinds of glass and silver ware. We were assigned an inside booth but we could still see the revolving skyline under and around us. More Dizzy? You bet. And it didn’t get any better. The food was excellent and the waiter very attentive. I had filet mignon and Kim had Chicken Cordon bleu. We struggled to climb one more story for another view but were disappointed, the view from the restaurant was better. Kim and Linda decided to walk down to the falls and take pictures of the lighted falls. Chuck and I were to go back to the hotel. Kim asked me if I would be OK going back alone to the hotel. I said, “Just get me on the right bus.” I was loopy from the pill and the revolving scenery. She escorted me to the bus. I told her just to tell everyone I was drunk. I was able to find my way to our room. Needless to say, when she returned from her walk with Linda, I was in bed and very glad to be there. The next day, we had a step on guide to tell us all about the falls. The bus stopped occasionally to allow us to take pictures and get lunch. Our guide was a delightful lady with a slight accent. She seemed determined to tell us about all the disasters connected with the falls. Many people died trying to defy the raging water. Late afternoon, after a trip to the duty free shop, we were whisked back across the border in a timely fashion. We were told people could walk across the bridge from America to Canada free but to walk from Canada to America it cost fifty cents. Really!


Sunday, September 15, 2013


King Solomon’s Wise Words to Baby Prince George of Cambridge. Solomon was a wise man. He asked the Lord to give him wisdom and God allowed him wisdom. (1 Kings 3:7-14.) Solomon was a famous man. He was King of Israel. He was the son of a king. He built the great temple in Jerusalem that his father King David was not allowed to build. Solomon was a rich man. His incredible riches are recorded in 1 Kings, Chapter 10. Yet in his wisdom he knew that riches did not bring happiness in the world. “Whoever loves money, never has money enough... and what benefit are they (things bought with money) to the owner except to feast his eyes on them. (Eccl.5:10-11 NIV)” Solomon knew that things of the world are temporary. We are put in the world at God’s command and only what we do for Him will last into eternity. Baby Prince George was born to be king. He has wealth. He is already famous as heir to the throne of England. He will be written about, photographed and talked about all of his life. He will be remembered in history. What he makes of himself is his choice. Solomon would say to him, “Naked a man comes from his mother’s womb, and as he comes, so he departs. He takes nothing from his labor that he can carry in his hand.” (Eccl:5:15 NIV) Memories last forever. As a genealogist, I pore over long forgotten pictures and letters, trying to find out about those who have gone before. One cousin wrote about my great grandmother, “She was a kind lady.” I remember she also chewed tobacco. We must be careful what kind of memories we leave – good memories or bad. Be aware of the influence you have on others. Years ago people put mottos on the wall. I remember one that said, “Only what is done for Christ will last.” It is important that we spend our time on things that are eternal. Those things are all we will carry into eternity when we die.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Book Review: "The Pursuit of Lies"

A romantic Suspense Novel

By Debra Burroughs

“Pursuit of Lies” is book four in a series featuring Emily Parker. Emily became a private investigator after investigating and solving her husband’s murder.

Now after a time, she is engaged to Colin Andrews, a new police detective in Paradise Valley. Emily and Colin are surprised at their engagement party when Colin is arrested for the murder of Assistant District Attorney Allison Laraway.

Police claim an insurmountable body of evidence against Colin. Emily cannot believe Colin can be guilty of murder but the evidence causes her to doubt him to a small degree. Police say Colin’s fingerprints and DNA are found in Laraway’s apartment. Her secretary says Colin delivered a pot of red flowers to Laraway at her office. Video shows Colin’s jeep at the complex where Laraway was murdered and also shows Colin accompanying the victim into the front door. Colin swears it isn’t him in the video. But do video’s lie?

Emily calls on her good friends, Camille, Maggie and Isobel for help in proving Colin innocent. Colin has his sidekick at the police department Ernie also helping.

Emily and Colin work together to figure out why someone is framing Colin and finally clearing his name but only after the killer confronts Emily in her home.

I recommend this book for romance, suspense, and page turning tension.

Deborah Burroughs writes squeaky clean books containing no sex or four letter words, yet manages to keep the readers interest.

Burroughs other books are “The Heart of Lies,” ”The Chain of Lies,” “The Scent of Lies” and “Three Days in Seattle.”


"The Pursuit of Lies, A romantic Suspense Novel
By Debra Burroughs

“Pursuit of Lies” is book four in a series featuring Emily Parker. Emily became a private investigator after investigating and solving her husband’s murder.

Now after a time, she is engaged to Colin Andrews, a new police detective in Paradise Valley. Emily and Colin are surprised at their engagement party when Colin is arrested for the murder of Assistant District Attorney Allison Laraway.

Police claim an insurmountable body of evidence against Colin. Emily cannot believe Colin can be guilty of murder but the evidence causes her to doubt him to a small degree. Police say Colin’s fingerprints and DNA are found in Laraway’s apartment. Her secretary says Colin delivered a pot of red flowers to Laraway at her office. Video shows Colin’s jeep at the complex where Laraway was murdered and also shows Colin accompanying the victim into the front door. Colin swears it isn’t him in the video. But do video’s lie?

Emily calls on her good friends, Camille, Maggie and Isobel for help in proving Colin innocent. Colin has his sidekick at the police department Ernie also helping.

Emily and Colin work together to figure out why someone is framing Colin and finally clearing his name but only after the killer confronts Emily in her home.

I recommend this book for romance, suspense, and page turning tension.

Deborah Burroughs writes squeaky clean books containing no sex or four letter words, yet manages to keep the readers interest.

Burroughs other books are “The Heart of Lies,” ”The Chain of Lies,” “The Scent of Lies” and “Three Days in Seattle.”


When tragedy strikes friends, do you know what to say to comfort them? They need sympathy, encouragement, and love, not judgment. There is a lesson in the Bible about a man whose friends didn’t know what he needed to hear. They judged him… well here is the story.

Job was a good man, faithful to God. Satan challenged God that he would make Job turn from God. Satan’s idea was to tempt Job to rebuke God. That is Satan’s delight if he can cause a good person to turn their back on God.

Job was wealthy. Satan took all his wealth. Job had children. Satan caused his children to die. Job was at the end of his rope but still he did not deny God. Then Satan took his health. He caused to Job to have boils all over his body. Job was miserable. His wife urged him to curse God and die.

Job could not understand why all these trials came to him. He wished he had never been born. He wished he could die. But he never cursed God for all his troubles.

Job’s three friends came to visit him. They were judgmental. They decided Job had sinned and caused all the troubles. They were very vocal in telling him he must repent. Job protested that he had done nothing wrong. His friends then decided his children sinned and Job was paying for their sin. In the face of his friend’s ‘helpful’ advice, Job still did not deny God. Job complained to God that other people were living that still had children to comfort them. Other people had a home and wealth. He couldn’t understand why God let all this happen to him, but he continued to belief in God.

I suggest we have all asked that question sometime in our life. Why am I not as successful as my friend? Why is my house not as nice as my neighbor’s? Why do I not have the money I need for necessities? Job questioned why bad things were happening to him but he remained faithful to God. Romans 8:28 (NIV) says “And we know that all things work together for the good of all those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” And Romans 8:31a (NIV) says, “If God is for us, we can be against us?”

When friends need encouragement, comfort and prayer do not be judgmental. When trials are bad in your life remember these two verses in Romans 8:28,31a.

What kind of friend are you? When your friends have troubles, they need you to pray for them, to be ready to help in any way. They need encouragement not judgment.


When tragedy strikes friends, do you know what to say to comfort them? They need sympathy, encouragement, and love, not judgment. There is a lesson in the Bible about a man whose friends didn’t know what he needed to hear. They judged him… well here is the story.

Job was a good man, faithful to God. Satan challenged God that he would make Job turn from God. Satan’s idea was to tempt Job to rebuke God. That is Satan’s delight if he can cause a good person to turn their back on God.

Job was wealthy. Satan took all his wealth. Job had children. Satan caused his children to die. Job was at the end of his rope but still he did not deny God. Then Satan took his health. He caused to Job to have boils all over his body. Job was miserable. His wife urged him to curse God and die.

Job could not understand why all these trials came to him. He wished he had never been born. He wished he could die. But he never cursed God for all his troubles.

Job’s three friends came to visit him. They were judgmental. They decided Job had sinned and caused all the troubles. They were very vocal in telling him he must repent. Job protested that he had done nothing wrong. His friends then decided his children sinned and Job was paying for their sin. In the face of his friend’s ‘helpful’ advice, Job still did not deny God. Job complained to God that other people were living that still had children to comfort them. Other people had a home and wealth. He couldn’t understand why God let all this happen to him, but he continued to belief in God.

I suggest we have all asked that question sometime in our life. Why am I not as successful as my friend? Why is my house not as nice as my neighbor’s? Why do I not have the money I need for necessities? Job questioned why bad things were happening to him but he remained faithful to God. Romans 8:28 (NIV) says “And we know that all things work together for the good of all those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” And Romans 8:31a (NIV) says, “If God is for us, we can be against us?”

When friends need encouragement, comfort and prayer do not be judgmental. When trials are bad in your life remember these two verses in Romans 8:28,31a.

He said “I know that my redeemer liveth . . . I shall see (Him) for myself”

What kind of friend are you? When your friends have troubles, they need you to pray for them, to be ready to help in any way. They need encouragement not judgment.

Friday, June 14, 2013




BY Ann Charles

Claire Morgan is back, still living in Jackrabbit Junction, still living in her grandfather’s old RV and still working for Ruby, Grandfather’s fiancé. Well, she was living in the old RV until she and a skunk tangle and the skunk wins, perfuming the RV beyond repair.

Claire’s live-in boyfriend is still around but he may not be around for long unless Claire gets up the courage to spit out those 3 words of commitment, I love you.

The Morgan family is preparing for Grandpa’s wedding, including Momma Deborah, who thinks Ruby is out for Grandpa’s money, Ruby’s daughter Jess, who can’t keep a secret and Claire’s sister Katie, who can’t keep a husband or a job. Throw in Grandpa’s old Army buddies, Manny, and Chester, and Harvey the dog and you have a recipe for humor.

Jess keeps looking for her mother’s money so she can go to Cleveland to stay with her Dad who doesn’t want her. Katie keeps running into Butch, literally. Thinking he is a crook out for Ruby’s mine, Katie plays detective in Butch’s Bar and his home, landing herself and Claire in jail.

The mystery is who really owns the Lucky Monk mine, Ruby or the shyster Lawyer who wants Ruby to sell to him. Who is the guy named Porter who says he is a writer but isn’t and is intent on romancing first Katie, then Claire. The next question is why does anyone want an old played out copper mine?

Then there are the artifacts Claire finds hidden in Ruby’s safe. Are they truly BC artifacts or another of Ruby’s previous husband’s scams? There is a gold bar in the mix and Claire puzzles about messages left by Ruby’s scumbag previous husband Joe.

A totally enjoyable book if you don’t mind a few cuss words, copious alcohol use and sexual innuendos.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


In light of recent disasters, it seems a good time to look at the character and faithfulness of Job. Studying Job is important because he suffered the same things we suffer. He was faithful and did not blame God through all his trials. We should aspire to be as faithful.

Job was a good man. He was wealthy. He had 10 children, seven sons and three daughters. He was known throughout the east. We might say say he had it all. He had a perfect family. He had everything any man would want. God said “There is no one on earth like him. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” (Job 1:8 NIV)

God allowed Satan to test Job’s faith. We cannot know why God allowed this. Nor can we question God’s reason. V.8 above tells us Job’s trials were not a punishment for sin.

Satan took Job’s family, his wealth and even his health. We can only imagine Job’s grief and suffering. Yet Job did not blame God or sin. (Job 1:22, 2:10) Satan’s goal was to destroy God’s man.

Satan is still on the job today. He is real and he continues his destruction among Christians. We must realize we have an enemy we cannot see but his is real. We will have trials we do not deserve and we must remain faithful, because God is real. His love is real for His people. He has plans we cannot understand. We can trust Him even in trials.

On the news we see people who have lost everything in a natural disaster. Most of them are quick to thank God for their life. Many tell the desire to pick up and start over. They are being faithful like Job.

The Biblical truth from the Book of Job is we can trust God even when things go terribly wrong.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


A groundhog lives under my neighbor’s shed. He hibernates all winter and come spring he sticks his nose out. He is a pest that cannot be stopped. But that is another story.

I feel like that groundhog just sticking my nose out after a long hibernation. Most of you know I had a bout of serious chronic migraine and was under the care of a neurologist for some time. The medicine he prescribed stopped my creativity as well as my ability to express myself verbally. That said that is one reason I have not be actively writing blogs or anything else for some time.

Thankfully the headaches are better to the extent I can stop the medicine and rely on over the counter meds.

January 2013 and these past months have been a roller coaster ride. I broke my wrist and had to have surgery. A week later my first great grandson was born. He contracted pneumonia and was in NICU for several days. Shortly after his birth, I contracted pneumonia. The Doctor gave me antibiotics which turned out I was allergic too. After much hassle, he prescribed another antibiotic which I also proved to be allergic too. All this a trying to care for myself with one hand.

Of course a broken anything requires therapy. Soooo I’ve been going to therapy for the past 4 weeks.

The good news is Great grandson is healthy and sweet, the hand/wrist problem is getting better. At least I can type again. Daughter received her Master of Science Degree in Nursing Education. (She was doing all the studying while taking care of me and new momma and baby.) And I’ve begun to feel the need to put some thoughts down on paper. I decided a new entry to the blog was a good place to start. Hopefully, my good intentions will result in more frequent and timely blog posts.