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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thank You For a Bad Review

Shirley commented on yesterday's post asking if I ever got hate mail for a bad review. I have not received hate mail. I usually try to be nice about a really bad book. I just posted The Two Bear Mambo. It was full of vulgar language and violence. But it is a really funny book. Wacky funny that is. I gave it a one rating. The author is Joe Lansdale. He has written quite a few books. So I guess someone likes them.

After the worst review I ever wrote, the author sent me a thank you note for reviewing his book. Go figure.

My next review book is Boston Scream Pie. I'll let you know what I think of it.


Beth said...

Pat, I think it's so interesting that you do this. You must be a really fast reader. I'm a very sloooooow reader. Congrats.

Beth said...

Someone who is following me on Twitter reported that a book reviewer was sued by an author. The site is: http://bit.ly/G5w7w
Check it out.

Palooski65 said...

One of the first things I learned when I started writing was that an author MUST have tough hide. I don't care how good you get, someone is not going to appreciate your style.

I feel for first-time writers who think they are soooooo good and then get "shot down" by a less-than-flattering review. It's tough to hear someone say that you have an ugly baby. LOL

I don't know what the basis for a lawsuit would be, though. It's not slander or besmirching when it's just opinion.

I really do appreciate my co-author friends who are constructive critiquers, though. It's much more motivating when it's done in a positive way.