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As a writer, I will be blogging about many things that interest me. My posts will be about what I am writing and other things I'm doing. Enjoy!

Friday, November 15, 2019

God Rested

Rest and Restore your mind and body.

Gen. 2:2

Creation was completed in six days.  God rested on the seventh day. He blessed the seventh day and made it holy. 
 Several years ago Christians recognized Sunday as a holy day. Some religions observed Saturday as a holy day. That is not true now. We can shop, eat and seek recreation on any day of the week.
Our world is hurry, hurry. We expect instant information on our phones and instant service for food. Every day is filled with work, worry and seldom any rest.  Studies show that most of us do not get enough sleep. We need rest. We need to come away from our work filled life and refresh body and soul.
Jesus sought rest when he learned John the Baptist had been killed (Matt. 14:13).  After His baptism, the Spirit took Jesus into the wilderness (Mark 1:9-12).  There he was alone to pray and prepare himself for his upcoming mission.  Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray before he was arrested and crucified (Mark 26:36-38).
Rest and restoration of the body and soul may come in different forms for different people.  While one might find relaxation fishing or boating, another may enjoy slowing down to read or engage in hobbies.  A walk in nature reminds us of God’s blessings.  Always remember to pray as you relax and seek God’s will for yourself and your family.  Turn away from the bustle of the world and rest your mind and body.



Genesis chapter 2 tells a more detailed account of creation. Nothing was on the earth until God created plants, trees and animals to in habit the earth.  Streams came up out of the ground to provide water for use of growing things and animals.
God was pleased with His creation.  Imagine a perfect world of trees, plants and animals, all created by God.
Then God made man in his own image, a refection of God, a perfect human.  Man had something animals did not have. Man had a soul, a relationship with God, food and water to sustain life.
God created Man (called Adam) from the dust of the ground. He breathed life into man.  Life is God’s gift to humans. The very air we breathe is from God. We cannot life without life-giving breath, water and food, all given us by God.
Because God gives life, we should not tolerate actions that destroy life.  Our society argues over when the life of a child in the mother’s body begins.  The Bible teaches that God knows us from the time we are conceived.  (Jer. 1:5a) A baby is alive. The mother feels movement while the child grows toward birth.  To kill that child is wrong. So, what do we do about unwanted children? First, we must teach responsibility to refrain from conceiving unwanted babies. We must educate women and men that bringing a child into the world is a responsibility that cannot be shirked.
Adoption is better is better than abortion.  The price of adoption keeps many from having a child to love. In addition, the possibility the child can be taken away by the birth on a whim.  A snafu in our laws that should be scrutinized and perhaps changed.
Sanding on a street corner in protest is not the way to change laws.  Inform yourself, then speak for those who cannot speak.  Speak to law makers, to those in power to change our world.
All life is sacred. Killing another human is against the law of the land and against. God’s law.  One of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shall not kill” (murder).  Respect older citizens. Respect those who are less than perfect.  They have a place in God’s plan.  God does not give us the right to destroy human life.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Our Powerful God is Worthy To Be Praised

Genesis 1:1-25
            God spoke the earth into being.  First he said, “Let there be light.”  Then he separated light from darkness and that was the first day. Imagine our great earth being created as God separated the water and the sky. God made dry ground appear and God called the dry ground land. Then he named the water sea.
God was not finished.  He caused plants and trees to grow. The plants and trees needed sunlight so God made the sun and the moon. He said the sun and the moon would be signs to mark seasons and days and years. God created creatures to live in the water and bird to fly in the sky.  He made animals both wild and tame inhabit the earth.  The trees, plants and animals were to reproduce and fill the earth.
Genesis records that God created all this in 5 days.  That is 5 God days.  It could have been in an instant or over time.  We don’t know. Nor do we need to know.  We just need to know and remember that God created everything and we became a part of it when he created man and woman.
We must be aware of and care for God’s creation.  It is very different from the time of creation.  Over time animals have become extinct and men and women have learned to live on the earth and make life better.  The one thing we must never forget is God created all we see and know.  Praise Him for it.